Closing Conference of the Printed Electronics Course

Closing Conference of the Printed Electronics Course

Closing day of the Printed Electronics Training Course that took place between March and July this year.

Closing day of the Printed Electronics Training Course that took place between March and July this year with the participation of 44 companies. It will be a day focused on networking between course participants in order to help them establish collaborations and implement printed electronics in the participating companies, as well as helping unemployed students to orient them professionally towards this technology.

During the day, there will be an act of handing out the certificates to the students of the course and we will have the participation of an invited company that will present a case of application of printed electronics in the industrial sector.


4:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.: Reception of attendees.

4.15 pm – 4.25 pm: Welcome to the day by the MAV Cluster.

4:25 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Presentation of the PEC4ALL-2 project Consortium and the MAV Printed Electronics Working Group.

5:00 p.m. – 5:20 p.m.: Presentation of Ona Labs as an example of the application of printed electronics in the industrial sector, Xavier Muñoz Pascual, Co-founder and Scientific Director.

17.20 h – 18.10 h: Piscolabis networking with delivery of certificates to the students.

18.10 h - 18.15 h: Closing and end of the day.

6.15 pm - 6.45 pm: Visit Tech Lab and printing area (optional).

Relevant information

Location: Espai ThinkIn 3D, TecnoCampus de Mataró, Carrer Jaume Vicenç Vives 22, Edifici El Rengle, Access D, floor 1, door 2, 08302 Mataró (Barcelona).

Registrations here.

Price: Free.

Exclusive for participants in the 2024 Printed Electronics training course and members of the MAV Cluster.


July 10, 2024



TecnoCampus de Mataró. Carrer d'Ernest Lluch 32, 08302, Mataró (Barcelona).



Add to calendar 2024-07-1016:00 2024-07-1018:15 Europe/Madrid Closing Conference of the Printed Electronics Course TecnoCampus de Mataró. Carrer d'Ernest Lluch 32, 08302, Mataró (Barcelona).

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